Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Atopis Dermatitis

Such a complicated title, but that was what the doctor diagonised Zahra's rashes as. Basically, it's a genetic allergy to seafood n everything gatal (Read: mom should not be enjoying too much budu n belacan!!) Doc said it would clear up in a week IF we take special care or her private part. Means no diaper, not even flat lampins! Hmm... Now thats a challenge! What I did was give her cloth diapers a well deserve break n only use flats and fitteds and avoid anything synthetic like suede or microfleece. I think that's the best solution that i could manage. Kinda regret not stocking up on natural inserts like bamboo or cotton which are much much kinder to skin. Sometimes, I fold the inserts in the lampin like this:

During her first nite from the clinic, I just put her on a fleece blanket from IKEA, butt naked! Amazingly, she didn't pee at all, untill i put her in a fitted again in the morning.. Now that her rashes seems to clear up, I occasionally put her in cloth diapers, but making sure that I change it every 1-2 hours. At nite, I change it for about 2-3 times. Even have to set alarm clock multiple times.. As the result, mommy always mengantuk at work! But anything for dear Zahra, of course!

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